Sunday, November 13, 2011

The business model and key strategies

How do we develop entrepreneurship.

  • by teaching them business model building
  • incorporating the models with the right strategies in the midst and to encounter competition.
  1. The goal in business is to maximise return -   (ROE chart /  metrics in business)
  2. However, the profit model simulation would determine the right business sizing and the cost parameters.
  3. With benchmarking, gap analysis should identify the SWOT of the business. 
  4. With target market determined, customers profiled, market positioning strategies are then formulated.
  5. Winning strategies are defined as in key result areas with departmental metrics
  6. Performance standards and indicators are established through benchmarking
  7. Efficiency and innovation driven measures for continuous improvement
  8. Goals and metrics are cascaded and coordinated to the lowest job holder
  9. All strategies and changes are linked into a strategic map
  10. summarize the above into a 7 step business plans
  11. Has the goals been achieved?
Copyright :  Arriffin Mansor 012-2786282

  1. Clear understanding of the business profitability.
  2. Market driven and targeted customers positioning
  3. Understand product concepts
  4. Learn basic business strategies
  5. Understand efficient and effective performance measurement.
  6. Competent in integrated and coordinated key functional strategies
  7. A strong leadership to mobilize all resourcces

Competencies of an Entrepreneur - the key

The competency profile of an entrepreneur:
  1. design, develop and create new product of value.
  2. identify market demand opportunity that generate high return.
  3. dare to take business risk
  4. create the right business model to operate the new venture. 
  5. Mobilize resources to conduct the business. (4 Ms)
  1. Design a realistic, profitable business model.
    • by setting the right price
    • to get the right sales volume
    • matched with the right costs
    • to generate a worthwhile return.
  2. Understand returns to capital or equity as key objective of business
  3. Manage with  minimum capital
  4. understand and relate risks to return
  5. Set the targeted customers and their needs
    • with 4ps
  6. Increase HR productivity through piece rate wages and profit sharing
  7. Raise capital and maximise borrowings through financial leverage.
  8. reduce operational costs through efficiency monitoring.
  9. If possible convert all fixed to variable costs
Copyright:  Arriffin Mansor 012-2786282

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kaedah metrik dalam keusahawanan

Banyak latihan keusahawanan diMalaysia berpaksi kepada motivasi dan perniagaan.
(Akibatnya:  tidak ada beza diantara keusahawanan dengan perniagaan)

Kaedah strategi dan matlamat(goals) tidak ditekankan.  Akhirnya usahawan yang dilahirkan menggunakan kaedah biasa menghadapi masalah bersaing dan gagal menghadapi perubahan yang pesat dipasaran.

Kaedah metrik digunakan sebagai alat pada usahawan untuk bersetrategi, mengenalpasti peluang, dapat merancang dengan berkesan, ketahui punca utama untuk mencapai matlamat utama dan kecil yang jelas.

Antara faedah yang dinikmati dalam latihan keusahawanan melalui metrik adalah
  1. Matlamat perniagaan jelas kerana didefinasikan secara quantitatif.  (Goals setting and integrating)
  2. Matlamat boleh dipecahkan kebeberapa komponen dan merupakan Key Result Areas (keberhasilan utama)
  3. Hasil kerja boleh diukur melalui ukuran yang objektif - key performance indicators (petunjuk utama prestasi)
  4. Sasaran prestasi turut jelas kerana menggunakan angka.
  5. Tandaaras dapat dilakukan bagi tujuan penilaian prestasi.
  6. Variasi atau jurang dapat dianalis dengan objektif
  7. Perubahan strategi turut diperjelaskan melalui metrik
  8. Nisbah merupakan metrik utama dalam mengukur dan mempertingkatkan kecekapan
  9. Akhirnya, strategi dapat diaplikasikan melalui pemetaan metrik.
  10. Fungsi utama perniagaan diintegrasikan melalui metrik.
Program Keusahawanan yang hidup, yang ada cerita dalam cerita - yang ada strategi diatas strategi.

Copyright:  Arriffin Mansor 012-2786282

Monday, May 9, 2011


Entrepreneurship is about model building with relevant strategies.

  1. Started with gap and depth analysis for identifying market opportunities.
  2. Creating the right product and value.
  3. Managed with the right business models - the right sizing.
  4. Incorporating the right strategic maps
  5. Stood on an integrated functional models




Cost of











Working Capital





Asset Turnover







Equity multipliers





Fixed Capital





The key ratios could be drawn from the above chart.
  1. Overall performance
  2. Liquidity ratios
  3. Gearing ratios
  4. Efficiency ratios
  5. Potential ratios
The above model could be simulated to achieve the right results with realistic strategies.
  1. Business strategies
    • Product strategies
    • HR strategies
    • Marketing strategies
    • Financing strategies
    • Operational strategies
  2. Working capital strategies
  3. fixed capital strategies
  4. Financing Strategies
Design and correlate strategies into a strategic map.

Copyright   Arriffin Mansor 012-2786282

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Metrik dalam perniagaan

Hubungan Metrik
Matlamat Utama
Untung / Ekuiti
Untung / Jualan
Jualan / Aset
Aset / Ekuiti
Pulangan ekuiti
BSC perspectives
Pemetaan Strategi
Jualan 2 – Jualan 1/ Jualan 1
Retention, growth and penetration
Kos per unit
Profitability per man
Jualan / kakitangan
Untung / kakitangan
Untung /  Aset
Pengurangan modal

Copyright:   Arriffin Mansor  012-2786282


Merancang dan membuat keputusan dalam perniagaan dan pengurusan memerlukan angka.
Lebih tepat lagi ialah penggunaan nisbah - satu angka dibahagikan dengan angka yang lain
untuk menghasilkan nisbah yang menunjukkan kecekapan dan prestasi iaitu KPI rate.
  1. Matlamat pernigaan ialah PTE atau PTA adalah nisbah
  2. KPI pasaran seperti kekalan, penetrasi dan pertumbuhan adalah nisbah.
  3. KPI operasi yang utama ialah nisbah kos per unit.
  4. KPI personel ialah produktiviti.
  5. KPI kewangan ialah kos wang dan pulangan
*KPI ialah key performance indicator atau KPI areas.
KPI rate atau kadar adalah angka yang dibuat perbandingan.
KPI rate atau kadar ialah nisbah dimana satu angka dibahagikan dengan angka yang lain.
Contoh:  Output dibahagikan dengan input.

Copyright:  Arriffin Mansor 012-2786282

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Factor, efficiency and innovative driven entrepreneurship

I received a GEM report 2009 on entrepreneurship with special reference to Malaysia from Unirazak today.

The report states that there are 3 types of entrepreneurship - factor, efficiency and innovation.

They are categorised in accordance to countries.

I define entrepreneurship as those that are only innovative driven. Hence, factor and efficiency driven are classified as ordinary business management.

I regret to note that these findings were derived mainly from surveys.

My own perspective of entrepreneurship

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

keusahawanan - Melahir dan membena

1) Siapa usahawan (profile usahawan)

****kreativiti dlm penciptaan produk
****berani menghadapi risiko
****pemimpin luar biasa
****kebolehan menjual
****didorong oleh matlamat keuntungan

2) Apa itu keusahawanan?
****peningkatan kecekapan
 ****menambah nilai

2) Ciri Ciri usahawan
****yakin dan meyakinkan
****dayacipta produk

3) Ketrampilan usahawan


4) Hasrat keusahawanan

5) Model dan Metrik keusahawanan

****model kos, volum, untung dan harga
****modal kerja
****Strategi aset
****Ekuiti dan Pinjaman Jangka panjang
****Du Pont ROE format
****Aliran Tunai
****Penyata Kewangan
****Petunjuk Prestasi Utama

6) Rancangan Perniagaan
***merancang untuk untung dan pertumbuhan

Monday, January 31, 2011

Mengapa metrik? - 8 sebab

Mengapa metrik perlu digunakan dalam latihan keusahawanan.
  1. Matlamat perniagaan adalah dalam bentuk metrik iaitu PTE/PTA.
  2. Metrik lebih tepat yang turut membolehkan perbandingan - analisis jurang (gap analysis)
  3. Metrik juga sesuai untuk menetapkan dan membangunkan strategi.
  4. Metrik membolehkan delegasi dan komunikasi yang tepat
  5. Metrik membolehkan analisis komponen - analisis mendalam
  6. Metrik boleh juga menilai prestasi pemegang jawatan.
  7. Senang mencari punca masalah  atau kejayaan- cause effect relationship
  8. Metrik boleh dihubung kaitkan menjadi sebuah pemetaan strategi
  9. Fungsi utama perniagaan boleh diintegrasikan dengan metrik.

  1. Matlamat perniagaan
    • Market Positioning
  2. Strategi utama perniagaan
  3. Strategi Perniagaan Michael Porter
  4. Strategi Pemasaran
  5. Model Perniagaan
  6. Modal Kerja
  7. Aset Tetap
  8. Pembiyaan perniagaan
  9. Aliran Tunai
  10. Carta PTE 
  11. Penyata Kewangan
  12. Nisbah utama atau indikatur prestasi utama.
    • kpi kewangan
    • Kpi Operasi
    • Kpi Pemasaran
    • KPI Personnel.
  13. Pemetaan Strategi
Copyright :  Arriffin Mansor 012-2786282

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This is a concept applied by most entrepreneurs when they can achieve more with a limited effort.

However, leverage means different things to different people. Robert Kyosaki calls one as using other people money or OPM or financial leverage or gearing.  In multilevel marketing, network is leveraging on contacts and relationship.

Strategic alliances is a typical example of the application of leveraging in business.

In one perspective leverage can mean replicating your product such as CDs for Bill Gates product. . Siti Norhaliza would not be rich if she could not put her songs in the form of CDs,

In franchising Kroch became rich by selling Mc Danald's system and not only burgers. Through framching, franchisor can expand by providing business opportunity to many.

When a company become established, the owners could have the company listed in the stock exchange to create added value to the shareholders.

All the above are examples of leveraging in business.

What is important is to understand the existence of multipliers within the business

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bengkel Pemantapan Kurikulum & Modul Latihan Keusahawanan

Saya hadir bengkel diatas yang dikendalikan oleh MASMED, UITM dengan tajaan Insken, MITI.

Kami bincang program LAP dan LPU pada 17 hingga 19 Januari 2011 diShah Alam.

Saya telah tekankan pada mereka perlunya metodologi dan kaedah latihan ditukar kepada excel based training program. Disamping itu saya ingin program latihan ini lebih quantitatif daripada yang lampau.

Menyahut seruan Perdana Menteri Najib, MASMED perlu mengendalikan program ini berasaskan kepada KPI yang menitik beratkan isu kecekapan dan keberkesanan.

Dengan metrik tersebut, strategi dapat dikonsepkan sambil dilaksanakan. Strategi strategi ini dapat dikaitkan diantara satu sama lain dalam bentuk peta.

Pada akhir kursus, peserta mempu membangunkan model perniagaan yang hidup, yang mempunyai cerita dalam cerita, dan mempunyai strategi diatas strategi.

Usahawan perlu mampu bersaing sambil berubah mengikut pasaran dan keadaan semasa -  usahawan yang cekal dan progresif.

Copyright:  Arriffin Mansor 012-2786282

Key Characteristics of Entrepreneurship

  1. Dare to face business risk 
  2. creating value in products and maximizing return on sales
  3. leveraging and replicating the processes
  4. Outstanding leadership to mobilize the key resources
  5. created unique product.
  6. Effective salesmanship to all stakeholders
  7. opportunity positioning and seeking
  8. Business Networking
Copyright :  Arriffin Mansor 012-2786282

Entrepreneurship in metrics

Why use metrics in entrepreneurship training?
  1. Corporate and business objectives are mainly stated in figures and metrics
  2. Metrics are more precise when you want to establish your performance objectives and efficiency standards
  3. Metrics are easily linked and integrated with each other- strategic mapping
  4. Component analysis enable cause effect relationship
  5. Precise compensation is possible through improvement gains recorded quantitatively.
  6. Strategies could be defined through metrics.
  7. Metrics are cascadable.....(new word)
  8. Performance could be evaluated through metrics
  9. Performance improvement could be designed through metrics
  10. Achieve kaizan through improvement in metrics
  11. Metrics provide focus and attention on certain key areas
  12. Metrics shows efficiency and effectiveness.
  13. Metrics enable benchmarking which enables identifying best practices.
In real business situations, effective management is always in metrics.
copyright: Arriffin Mansor 012-2786282

3 peringkat keusahawanan